Who is Maranatha Yoga?

Christine Pickering

Maranatha Yoga Cumbria was developed by Christine Pickering who has been a practitioner of Hatha Yoga for over 40 years, a trainer of yoga teachers, a trained Spiritual Director and a member of the World Community for Christian Meditation. She is Associate Leader for the South and East of Cumbria.

The ‘Maranatha Yoga’ book is a means of connecting with our spiritual selves through the practice of Maranatha Yoga and meditation, which has been developed by the author through the experience of teaching yoga for over 30 years. The physicality of the postures with the mindful, meditative qualities of the Christian reflections allow the participant to connect with their whole selves.

Pauline Steenbergen

Pauline Steenbergen is a Church of Scotland minister. Since 1996 she has served in parishes, team ministries and as a Locum. She has also been involved in coordinating regional Lay Training in Scotland, as well as an editor for ‘Worship Anthology’ by St Andrew Press and a broadcaster for ‘General Assembly’ BBC2 with Tern TV and is an associate member of the Iona Community. She was formerly Hospice Chaplain for 5 years in Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw, Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice. She is a Spiritual Director in the Diocese of Carlisle since 2013. Pauline met Christine Pickering whilst they were training as Spiritual Directors and has been inspired by her writing, teaching and ministry ever since! She has practised Hatha Yoga since 2007 and trained part-time for 3 years to become a Yoga Scotland Teacher and has been teaching in gyms, village halls, schools and online on Zoom since 2016. Find her under Lime Green Yogi. She was the British Wheel of Yoga representative for North Cumbria from 2018 – 2021. Pauline is Maranatha Yoga UK Team Leader.

Steve Carter

Steve Carter is a retired Anglican minister and chaplain to Cumbria Constabulary. He has 15 years parish experience and prior to that he spent 15 years working as a Mission Partner in South America. Contemplative silent prayer has long been core to his personal devotions. He has been practising Hatha Yoga since 2015, as a way of stretching tired muscles after long runs! He has been co-leading Maranatha Yoga UK Gatherings in churches in Carlisle and on Zoom since December 2019. Steve is Associate Leader for the North and West of Cumbria. He is married to Pauline Steenbergen.

Lori Passmore

Lori Passmore assisted Christine in the early development of Maranatha Yoga and continues to support the work of Maranatha Yoga. She has been practicing Hatha yoga since 2016 and has been involved in pioneering and new forms of church for many years. Lori enjoys the physicality of blending yoga postures with Christian Spirituality and would love to see more people experience this unique form of spiritual connectivity.

“Who is Maranatha Yoga?” It is the community and network of relationships with people from Cumbria, South West Scotland and all over the UK, Europe and USA, who are interested in embodied spirituality. Read some of their feedback here. Maranatha Yoga has a wide ecumenical circle of people praying for the leaders and participants. It is a learning community, continually evolving month to month, co-creating each session and offering a unique bridge between Hatha Yoga and Christian faith. Contact us if you would like to become more involved. Pray for us, donate or train with us to grow this pioneer ministry. Our leadership team are all volunteers, claiming reasonable out of pocket expenses only. Maranatha Yoga is a not for profit entity. 

For the seeker, the curious, the disciple and the teacher