Where Marantha Yoga Links?

The World Community for Christian Meditation: http://www.wccm.org

Christine Pickering and Pauline Steenbergen are 500 hour trained, accredited and insured yoga teachers. Their governing bodies are:



Below are other groups who are developing classical yoga integrated with Christian Spirituality. You can follow them online and via social media. Contact us if you have identified others not on this list:

  • Cross Yoga Europe, Denmark
  • WCCM Bonnevaux Retreat Centre, France
  • Valijouffrey, Southern France, where Jean Dechanet O.S.B lived and taught. He is author of ‘Christian Yoga’ pub. 1950’s and regarded as the Father of Christian Yoga.

The following are all in USA:

  • Christians Practising Yoga
  • Christian Yoga Association
  • Christian Yoga Connection
  • Christians Do Yoga
  • Yoga Faith
  • Holy Global Yoga TV
  • Yoga Devotion
  • Adoration Yoga
  • Abundant Yoga
  • Caroline Williams Yoga
  • Revelation Yoga
  • Praying Body Yoga

Christian Yoga in India:

  • Christian Ashram Movement
  • Shantivanam, Tamil Nadu, made famous by Bede Griffiths
  • Vidyavanam near Bangalore, Carmelites of Mary Immaculate