

Welcome! from the Maranatha Yoga Leadership Team seen in the photo above from left to right: Pauline Steenbergen, Christine Pickering, Lori Passmore and Steve Carter. We hope you find the information you are looking for on the pages of this website, you can also contact us directly through our contact page.

Maranatha Yoga UK, made in Cumbria, is at the intersection of classical Hatha Yoga practice and Christian spirituality. The purpose of this is to bring our body, mind and spirit into complete unity as a preparation for prayer and meditation. Participants in Maranatha Yoga gatherings say that their experience of oneness with God and Christian unity is made more real by:

  • gentle stretching to calm the central nervous system
  • breath awareness practices
  • using tools to settle mental distractions and develop concentration skills e.g the simple mantra, Maranatha, used to focus and still the mind. This is the mantra used by The World Community for Christian Meditation (wccm.org). Maranatha is an Aramaic phrase meaning ‘Come Lord’.
  • recognising that our bodies are temples to encounter the real presence of Jesus.

Maranatha Yoga UK is an ecumenical community of Christians practicing Yoga, who connect in a WhatsApp group and receive a quarterly Mailchimp e-newsletter. To join contact us.


Read more about our current and previous events here.

MYUK on Zoom is pioneered by Pauline at Lime Green Yogi 
see www.limegreenyogi.co.uk for more information.


Find us in the context of self supporting Pioneer Ministers, Cumbria Fresh Expressions in the Diocese of Carlisle, Cumbria, UK:

Diocese of Carlisle: carlislediocese.org.uk

God for All Cumbria: godforall.org.uk

Fresh Expressions UK: freshexpressions.org.uk

Further Information

Maranatha Yoga Cumbria was founded and developed by Christine Pickering who has been a practitioner of Hatha Yoga for over 40 years, a trainer of yoga teachers, a trained Spiritual Director and a member of The World Community for Christian Meditation.

The book ‘Maranatha Yoga’ has been developed by the author through the experience of teaching yoga for over 30 years. The physicality of the postures with the mindful, meditative qualities of the Christian reflections allow the participant to connect with their whole selves and to be at one with Christ.

For the seeker, the curious, the disciple and the teacher